
Continuing Feedback Program (CFP)

scenic view of the river

In conjunction with its accredited training schools, ASTA has access to a post-therapy evaluation program.

Many therapies (and therapists) claim success rates that cannot be substantiated. The purpose of the CFP is to monitor the therapeutic results of P.S.H. to (a) gain a more accurate evaluation of its effectiveness and (b) identify possible areas of improvement. 

Any identified areas are used to assist therapists, and the therapeutic process itself, as indicated. This initiative helps to keep the P.S.H. model ‘alive’ and at the leading edge of effectiveness and professionalism.

The process—how the CFP is conducted

Clients who agree to participate in the research program receive a confidential questionnaire firstly at four months, and again at twelve months after their final session of P.S.H.  

It’s structured in a simple ‘tick-box’ response manner, with invitation for further non-obligatory comments. People also often like to provide other observations which add valuable information to our research database.

The survey takes between five and ten minutes for clients to complete, depending on how detailed their response is. 

The form is returned in the reply paid envelope provided. Clients remain completely anonymous unless they choose to add their name to the report.

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Please note: Therapists receive only statistical information and comments which do not identify the client.  Clients’ contact details are removed from the data base immediately upon completion of the second survey.

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How is the CFP research data handled, and what does it reveal?

Statistical summaries are firstly compiled from the returned client questionnaires. Results are then analysed and distributed to participating P.S.H. therapists so they can compare their individual figures with group data.  

The program is conducted independently by the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training & Research (QLD)—or I.C.S.T.R. (QLD).

The research provides valuable information about the dynamics of therapeutic outcomes, particularly relating to the types of issues clients present with, and both the short and long-term results of their therapy. 

It has been instrumental in guiding the evolution of P.S.H. and keeping it at the forefront of subconscious-mind therapy.